huang lian 黃連
xuan hu lian 宣胡連
Pharmaceutical name: | Rhizoma Coptidis (huang lian) Rhizoma Picrorhizae (xuan hu lian) | ||||||||||||||
Latin botanical name: 拉丁學名﹕ | huang lian:
xuan hu lian
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Other names: | chuan lian,川 蓮,wei lian 味 蓮 (Coptis chinensis Franch.), ya lian 雅 蓮 (Coptis deltodea C.Y Cheng et Hsiao) , yun lian雲 蓮 (Cotis teeta Wall.) | ||||||||||||||
Pron. in Japanese: | o ren | ||||||||||||||
Pron. in Korean: | hwang lyon 황련 | ||||||||||||||
Pron. in Cantonese: | wong lin | ||||||||||||||
Common Name: | coptis rhizome (huang lian) Figwortflower, Picrorhiza Rhizome (xuan hu lian) | ||||||||||||||
Distribution: 分佈﹕ | huang lian: Sichuan四川, Xizang 西藏, Hubei 湖 北, Jiangxi 江西, Shanxi 陝西 , Shanxi 江 西 xuan hu lian: Yunnan, Xizang, Nepal, India, | ||||||||||||||
Properties (characteristics):性 味: | bitter in taste; cool 苦 , 寒 。 | ||||||||||||||
Channels (meridians) entered: | heart, large intestine, liver, and stomach channels. 心﹐大腸﹐肝﹐胃。 | ||||||||||||||
Actions & Indications: | Relief External uses: inflammation of the cornea, middle ear infection, ulceration of tongue and mouth, external ear infection and eczema. Jiu huang lian: for heat in the upper part of the body like red eyes, sores in the mouth. Jiang huang lian: for clearing the stomach, stop vomiting; for coldness and heat interwined in the abdomen area. Yu huang lian: for relieving the liver, stop vomiting; for liver and stomach not in harmony, vomiting and excess stomach acid.
用 於 濕 熱 肝脾腫脹 ,黃 疸 ,消化不良﹐糖 尿病﹐ 嘔 吐 瀉 痢 , 高 熱 神 昏 ﹐ 心 火 亢 盛 ﹐ 心 煩 不 寐 , 血 熱 吐 衄 , 目 赤 吞 酸 , 牙 痛 , 癱 腫 疔 瘡 。 外 治 : 濕 疹 ,濕 瘡 , 耳 道 流 膿 。 酒 黃 連﹕ 清 上 焦 火 熱 。 用 於 目 赤 , 口 瘡 。 薑 黃 連 ﹕清 胃 和 胃 止 嘔 。 用 於 寒 熱 互 結 , 瀛 熱 中 阻 , 痞 滿 嘔 吐 。 萸 黃 連 ﹕舒 肝 和 胃 止 嘔 。 用 於 肝 胃 不 和 , 嘔 吐 吞 酸 。 | ||||||||||||||
Medical function:
| 1. antibiotic and anti-amoeba 2. effect on heart and blood vessels
3. small amount improves function of acetylcholine while large amount suppresses it. | ||||||||||||||
Samples of formulae: | |||||||||||||||
Chemical ingredients: |
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Dosage: | 1.5 to 20 g. Concentrated extract: 0.5 g to 2 g. 1.5~20克;濃縮中藥:0.5~2 克 | ||||||||||||||
Toxicity: 不良反应 | Not to use in cases of wind cold type of flu and deficient type of syndromes. Normal dosage is relatively safe with few side effects and no adverse effects from long term use. Large dosage can be toxic. Not to use in patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Clinical experiences and laboratory studies show that the toxic reactions include:
患有葡萄糖-六-磷酸鹽去氫酵素缺乏症(蚕豆症)之病人忌用。 只适用于风热感冒和实热性病证。不可用於风寒感冒和虚寒证。
Chemical ingredients of hu huang liang (Picrorhiza scrophularfifolia Pennell): | 胡黃連化學成份﹕ |
Roots of Picrorhiza scrophularfifolia Pennell contain: | 胡黄連根含: |
Kutkin 3.4%* | 胡黄連素 3.4%* |
D—Mannitol 0.5% | D—甘露醇 0.5% |
Vanillic acid 0.1% | 香荚藍酸 0.1% |
Kutkiol | 胡黄連醇 |
Kutkisterol 0.18% | 黄連甾醇 0.18% |
Apocynin | 香荚藍乙酮 |
Kutkin is not a simple chemical compound, it is: | 胡黄連素并不是一个的 簡單化合物, 它是﹕ |
a stable crystalized mixture of Picroside I and Kutkoside and contains Picroside II | 胡黄連苦甙 I和胡黄連甙的稳定混晶, 並含﹕胡黄連苦甙 Ⅱ |
Fruits contain: | 果實含: |
vitamin C | 抗壞血酸 |
sugar | 糖类 |
starch | 澱粉 |
protein | 蛋白質 |
Roots and stems contain: | 根茎含: |
iridoid glycoside. The ingredients are: picroside I﹐II﹐III | 環烯醚萜甙成分為胡黄連甙I﹐II﹐III |
free organic acid: Vanillic Acid, Cinnamic acid and ferulic acid. | 游离有机酸,主要為香草酸﹐桂皮酸﹐阿魏酸。 |