目前分類:紅酒 (15)

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juliachanhk2002 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Dr. Frank's Pinot Noir proven healthiest wine". It cited Dr. Creasy's (Cornell University) ongoing research into the resveratrol content of wines from around the world, noting how it would take 17,000 resveratrol pills, at a cost of $8,500.00, to equal the resveratrol content in one bottle of Dr. Frank's Fleur de Pinot Noir. Resveratrol, of course, is the anti-fungal substance found in grape skins, and is a major aid in combating heart disease. Dr. Frank wines are now available in Connecticut.

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Resveratrol, a chemical found in grapes and other fruits, inhibits the reproduction of influenza viruses in cell culture and mice, according to a recent report in the Journal of Infectious Diseases. Rather than directly attacking the flu virus itself, resveratrol seems to block host-cell functions that are essential for viral replication, says the report by Anna T. Palamara and colleagues at the University of Rome. They write that the substance holds promise as a possible weapon against flu. Resveratrol is an antioxidant that is found in at least 72 plant species and is known to help protect the heart and nervous system and help prevent cancer, says the report. The researchers did a series of experiments in which they exposed cells to a flu virus and added resveratrol an hour later. They also exposed groups of mice to the virus and treated them with resveratrol or a placebo. …

“We have shown that RV [resveratrol], a natural polyphenol whose concentration in red wine is 1.5–3.0 mg/L, can inhibit the in vitro and in vivo replication of influenza A virus without producing any significant toxicity,” the article states. The apparent ability of resveratrol to block host-cell functions that flu viruses rely on offers important advantages, the researchers say. Compared with existing anti-flu drugs, resveratrol would be less likely to induce resistance by flu viruses, and it would probably be effective for all types and strains of flu virus.

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juliachanhk2002 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


★ 紅酒多酚 紅酒多酚是最早引起大家注意的多酚,其中最有名的是白藜蘆醇(Resveratrol)、前花青素OPC(Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin)等。


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juliachanhk2002 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


哈佛醫學院的David Sinclair等人發現,白藜蘆醇(resveratrol)可來提升一種能夠穩定DNA而延年益壽的酵素Sir2之量。不過Sinclair指出,人類要單靠喝紅酒來達到同樣的效果,恐怕還有些路要走,因為換算成人類所需之劑量,我們早午晚都得各喝上一杯。但這項實驗或許能解釋為何地中海飲食有助延年益壽。


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紅酒比琴酒 (GIN酒) 益於心臟健康 -- 2004-08-26

juliachanhk2002 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

天然阿士匹靈, 跟化學品的很不同, 天然的沒有副作用, 而化學品 的則很多副作用了, 包括眼底出血..


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juliachanhk2002 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

紅酒多酚(Red Wine Polyphenols)


juliachanhk2002 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

這個名為SIRT1的基因已被証實可以減少脂肪細胞的發展和增加脂肪燃燒的速率. 這個基因顯然就是當食物“短缺”時命令身體去儲存脂肪的家伙. 當身體察覺卡路里攝取減少時, 儲存能力就會變得特別.

發表在七月份“自然”(Nature)醫學期刊的研究發現紅酒裡一種叫做resveratrol的物質可以加速老鼠SIRT1的活性, 使得代謝率提高.
紅酒曾被証實具有某些保護心臟的作用. 例如, 紅酒內一些抗氧化物質可以減少血管硬化的發生. 紅酒也可以增加好的膽固醇及降低血壓.

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Requested Daily News Article

Resveratrol In Mice (Wednesday November 01 2006)
    From the BBC, news of a study of high dose resveratrol given to obese mice: "After six months, resveratrol essentially prevented most of the negative effects of the high calorie diet in mice. ... The 'healthspan' benefits we saw in the obese mice treated with resveratrol are positive clinical indicators and may mean we can stave of in humans age-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer, but only time and more research will tell." Resveratrol appears to trigger the same or similar biochemical mechanisms as calorie restriction; studies have also been run in fish. Personally, I want to see the results of a high dose study in normally fed or calorie restricted mice. What does that do? Preventing the detrimental effects of obesity is a big deal in the wealthy, fattened regions of the world, but it isn't healthy life extension.

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