在 2002 年尾 做了手術... 左臉被勁拉扯到後來鏠合, 在左牙外切口做手術, 不當的手術, 本應在牙內則開的....
當時是肥了, 但是是勁大力的拉扯, 若我沒有記錯這張相未必在第 1 次手術後, 第2 次手術後更嚴重, 是做 re-tissuing , 在左臉的原本三角切開口處重打開, 拉扯到下, 張大大口時, 被拉扯到下, 合上了便是很硬的左臉, 不用氣力自我拉扯上去的話, 左眼不一會兒便合上了, 呼吸也困難了.. 很費氣力, 也很累, 累時不拉扯上去, 便感到很頭暈, 左腦有問題....
a shooting day at HK garden, while not much ppl surrending, i took my blouse down, being sexy , but not like being sexy in Chinese society public place (becoz it will cause much troublesome uncessary unahpiness to me)... but for a pic, after got the pictures , i do feel these pic are extremely not what i need, very ordinary outlooking , not my expection... (so called sexy pic, only natural sightseeing scene)
當時是肥了, 但是是勁大力的拉扯, 若我沒有記錯這張相未必在第 1 次手術後, 第2 次手術後更嚴重, 是做 re-tissuing , 在左臉的原本三角切開口處重打開, 拉扯到下, 張大大口時, 被拉扯到下, 合上了便是很硬的左臉, 不用氣力自我拉扯上去的話, 左眼不一會兒便合上了, 呼吸也困難了.. 很費氣力, 也很累, 累時不拉扯上去, 便感到很頭暈, 左腦有問題....
a shooting day at HK garden, while not much ppl surrending, i took my blouse down, being sexy , but not like being sexy in Chinese society public place (becoz it will cause much troublesome uncessary unahpiness to me)... but for a pic, after got the pictures , i do feel these pic are extremely not what i need, very ordinary outlooking , not my expection... (so called sexy pic, only natural sightseeing scene)