今日去了philip 牙科, 位於西營盤, 即是我以前上學每天都經過的一所學校, 我以往從沒留意它, 只在大雨天, 數次有女子傘我至philip, 之後大雨淋濕全身, 有傘過等於沒有傘過. (只有一次傘我到中學然後佢返轉頭)
今日一位很年輕的男子跟趟在睇牙椅的女子打招乎, 跟著留意到後面有大堆人, 他們(全都戴口罩)比這個沒戴口罩的男子年老似的. 佢系極之nice, 不過話我case 沒有問題, 傷口早已埋了, 不過這時我卻將由歪向左上的嘴改而歪向偏右邊, 他改口說要找一位資深的有經驗教授來...
佢是好靚仔定好靚佬的西人, 檢查來檢查去, 他們都幾神奇不用戴口罩外, 還不戴手套跟我面及手接觸, 臨走前個西人用手擦我右手外側邊的肉, 擦了幾擦, 又說很乾皮膚, mmmmmm... 我這部位是充滿肌肉之類(跟別人不同), (這之前他都接觸過找好一些皮膚部位..)
個中國藉男子跟我說, 叫我可以找腦科呀, 神經科呀, 因為牙就沒有問題, 只是我說痛, 他答了我知 --- 答我, 我的面部是有手術後的問題, 他叫外藉教授說是shortcut... 他又叫試下去門診看, 找其他部門的醫生幫這個問題, 他們不會做甚麼轉介的.
我現想到我頭髮都是shortcut... 呀~~~~~~ 救命呀.
好, 我很快便會去一間醫院睇醫生, 但唔知要睇乜野, 睇皮膚的話有排等, 直接致電到上次看的皮膚科診所, 他們必當作嚴重case排, 但又唔知轉唔轉介外科手術. 再前幾次睇油麻地高級皮膚科醫生, 佢話無得轉介牙醫 .
做 teaching 的中國藉男子 (不知是否教授 , 護士話教授都講了...這我一斷說很多有問題), .... 突唔記得了寫甚麼,......
上一次到philip 牙科睇牙醫, 見到自已網友行過都唔知, 佢又知我鍾意乜類型人, 行過個樣令我感到好攪笑之類的, 但這不是bar 又不是外藉男仕, 又現實生活不認識的, 他是在矯型部門做 teaching 的, 在12:45 pm 時我被要求再照x-ray, 因此被職員罵, 返回原本counter, 見到個網友系到見到個戴住口罩的我, 我想他扮作乜我係度, mmmmm... 好明顯呀, 我咁聰明...
佢叫 adam siu , 多年前跟我聊了很多, 數月前他介紹他同事叫我去睇, 好采無去, 檢查費都成 500 蚊 的口腔與面額檢查費, 叫另一位舊同事兼舊同學是我睇過幾次的牙醫.
我懷疑adam siu 佢唔知系邊個, 我自己都唔係好清楚成廿年前識過乜人, 除了經常一齊的幾堆朋友及同學外, 不是同班不談上幾佰句的我都忘記了... 我以後唔敢去睇佢地, 懷疑被整蠱.
說來多年前, 約 2000 年, 他在icq 上說搵日或想約我吃餐飯, 但 2008 年我問到是否我住荃灣時的舊同學, 他說了另一所學, 不明為何要找我吃飯, 我老套學了外國的 A A System, 跟他說我只會去大家樂之類, 因為沒花得起. 之後就沒有出來, 真神奇, 他可能就是騙子
系口腔與面額見到個阿差, 幾熟口面, 可能系adam siu 寄佢的合照給我的, 內裏的一位, 幾嚇死我呀, 突然話介紹相中的阿差給我識, 佢好凸別, 連尼句都突別, 凸別在, 跟港人都不一樣, 連我睇過幾次的那個牙醫都系勁突別, 好人都無人有,
但在 1998 年我在找舊同學網搵到舊同學, 突提到某人做了 den.... , (不過我肯定說了一句, 類似, 是dentist, 不是醫生) 之後一兩天後某人加了我, 狂叫我跟他... .又話好 ... 我, 又答我佢結了婚 (騙人的), 又話要令我大肚, 又答我話唔會養個仔, 天啊, 我受不了, ignorant 佢, 但我唔記得果o個人系邊個了
在 2/F 出來時, 見到佢, 年青鬼仔, 穿著藍衣的, 我心儀的, FOND OF HIM , 但旁有位穿同樣藍衣的女子在.... MMMMM... I M NOT into her, but into him.
阿差在口腔與面額部經過, 我看不到, 他答護士或職員說: my name is ban, 職員答 my name is her. 跟著有人說她讚她答得好之類.... mmmm... i really don't understand what they meant of this??? herbal???? mmmmmm...
兩位教授都見到我個樣shocked一下, 不是第一眼時shocked... o呀~~~~~ no comment.
果個年輕女子, 仲有年輕鬼仔, 都在表現對病人之愛, 但我得不到那鬼仔之表現對病人之愛.
earn of nothing today, if the operation is allowed , that is earning. now i m the loser in the world, wa~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, last chance is visiting surgery telling doctors about my face ineffiency moving
個年青做teaching 的叫我去返之前做手術的, 讓他告訴我個手術問題, 才再來告知, 讓他們來幫. 真神奇.. 我快要瘋了. 做手術要甚麼條件來交換????? 錢???? 幾多, 要做美容手術的錢我則沒可能去做美容手術, 我只要搬回原來位置便可, 要做外科手術幾多錢, 公家的有, 但唔知肯唔肯做, 我發誓.....
they fooling me around mah??? if i have enought money i will fly over to italy or france to ask for help , pay for super big sum money, i m not 大富豪之類的人物... hope goverment surgery can help with my operation area , how come they suggested that i should go to visit brain never sensory doctor??? as i have a netfriend is brain nxxx ph doctor???? suggested that i should go to visit ...mmmmmmmmmmm................. , that he is super jerk in singapore, as a chinese originally from guanzhou or guangdong, super jerk married person want to use me purpose only.
and he is a dentist , very nice, i m not going to rubbing shoes or boosting..., and he supposed to be not married??? no, he is married , he said that he is married. and another one dentist he were my old schoolmate my other schoolmate said that he is not married, but he claimed that he is married i think he is told lie, not my typed, want to use women get into bed to take very good advantage of , but should he get to seek other women, not me, i was a good very good lady, super 乖 before my age of 30.
tell me who ever like me much???? there is no one, coz i m not much no more no longer ever beautiful as ever , in front of them who she is not well-sculputred... shortcut???? rolldown
face, not naturally..
say you say me , say u together, naturally....
the chinese one asked me to go back to the former dentist to ask about the problem, then he will help with me
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Dr CHOW Lop-keung, Raymond,
TEL: 2841 4888
Dr Carter, Eric Francis
Room 1103, Century Square, 1-13D' Aguilar Street, Central, Hong Kong
he asked me to visit dr chow lop keung, asked me to believe him that his colleage is....
i think today the westerner is dr carter, eric francis , that i haven't waste of HK$500 to visit him in central.
adam 在上一次聊天告訴我, 我看的醫生叫做 stephen chan, 我一向不知他英文名, 但我查實, 佢應叫做 bruce chan xxxx xxxxxxx , 這個名, 我有點兒印象, 是誰嗎? bruce li i knew... sorry, i can't remember u . i can't really,
adam said that stephen chan's wife is very smiliar 楊恭如 outlooking, i don't know.. i think japanese and white women are much charming than hk chinese. 楊恭如 is beautiful, so i don't think his wife is Miss HK alike...
- Mar 11 Tue 2008 22:11
今日見了高資歷的教授, 拒絕為我做手術