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---  2003-11-7 11:33:22

"What is Aloe Vera and what are it's possible Health Benefits?"

 Aloe Vera is a member of the lily family and native to Africa. It has a long history of use dating back to the days of Egypt's Queen Cleopatra- who reputably used Aloe in her beauty regiment.
Aloe Vera is one of nature's most potent sources of Vitamins C and E. It is also one of the only known non-animal sources of Vitamin B-12. Chemical testing has repeatedly shown that Aloe's beneficial compounds are concentrated in the green skin and yellow sap, not in the gel.

"If the aloe leaf is not handled properly in processing, the beneficial activities found in aloe will no longer be available." - Dr. Ivan Danhof, MD., Ph.D.

In the last few decades clinical studies have produced evidence to support centuries of Aloe Vera anecdotal health claims. These clinical studies report that Aloe Vera acts as a: laxative, antifungal, immune system stimulant, antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory. Many scientific studies now support the usefulness of Aloe Vera as a nutritional supplement and a topical healing aid.

The Aloe leaf and gel contain more than 100 separate ingredients which include:

Essential vitamins & minerals
numerous enzymes
amino acids

Aloe Vera contains six known antiseptic agents: salicylic acid, lupeol, sulfur, urea nitrogen, cinnamonic acid, and phenols. Lupeol and salicylic acid are also well documented as effective pain relief compounds.
Aloe Vera contains three anti-inflammatory fatty acids: campersterol, cholesterol, and B-sitosterol. This may explain Aloe's reported effectiveness in treating burns, allergic reactions, arthritis, and many digestive tract inflammatory conditions.

Aloe Vera contains 23 known immune stimulator compounds called polypeptids.

Inflammation Medical Study Research Quotes

Dr. R. H. Davis of the Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine has conducted Aloe Vera research since the early 1970's. His findings from animal laboratory research demonstrated that Aloe can prevent and arrest arthritis, inhibit pain and block inflammation.

Dr. L. Cowden of Dallas, Texas has observed improvement in several conditions when patients begin oral intake of Aloe Vera. Those conditions included rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Anti-inflammatory and wound healing activity of a growth substance in Aloe vera. "Aloe vera improves wound healing and inhibits inflammation."

Isolation of a stimulatory system in an Aloe extract. "The anti-inflammatory activity was found in the supernatant fraction. The supernatant fraction decreased inflammation, when applied topically, by 29.2%, and the precipitate decreased inflammation by 12.1%.Aloe vera appears to act as a modulatory system toward wounds and inflammation and is a potentially valuable tool for managing lower extremity conditions.?P>
Skin Medical Study Research Quotes

Aloe Vera is one of the most widely used substances in the United States for treating bruises and burns. According to the Cosmetic, Fragrance, and Toiletry Association (CTFA), Aloe Vera is also the most popular cosmetic and toiletry ingredient in the United States, but most brands contain less than two percent Aloe Vera. Most experts agree that a concentration of 25 to 40% is required for a cosmetic product to offer any of Aloe Vera's possible benefits.

In the 1950's the research of Drs. Collins, Wright, and Crewe with radiation burns, gave Aloe Vera its first true medical credibility. Their work led to studies by the Atomic Energy Commission at the radiation burn center at Los Alamos Laboratories. In 1959 the FDA concluded from these studies that Aloe Vera did have a healing effect on skin tissue.

J. Heggars, M.D., of the Chicago Burn Center demonstrated in 1980 the ability of Aloe Vera to heal third degree burns up to six times faster than accepted modern medical treatments such as Silver Sulfadiazine. Dr. Heggars concluded that the healing effects were due to Aloe's steroid like compounds (similar to cortisone) and salicylic acid. He also found that the Aloe treatments reduced scarring and regenerated hair follicles in the burned area. In 1982 Dr. Heggars conducted further studies that confirmed the presence of salicylic acid (an anti-inflammatory and pain relief compound) in Aloe Veral.

Aloe vera has been shown to stimulate the replication of skin fibroblasts, with an effect almost three times as great as healing in a control (Danhoff and McAnally 1983). Fibroblasts aid in the manufacture of collagen. Collagen production drops off as we age, resulting in the aging process of the skin and wrinkling.

The stimulation of postdermabrasion wound healing with stabilized aloe vera gel-polyethylene oxide dressing. "Wound healing was approximately 72 hours faster at the aloe site."

The wound-healing effect of a glycoprotein fraction isolated from aloe vera. " It is considered that this glycoprotein fraction is involved in the wound-healing effect of aloe vera via cell proliferation and migration.?/FONT>

commerical page

Aloe Vera, when used internally, has antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and potent stimulative laxative properties. Aloe vera is believed to act as a restorative to the liver, as well as a blood purifier. It is also believed to shrink certain cancerous tumours. Other studies, indicate that aloe may lower blood sugar levels, combat yeast infections and treat peptic ulcers. Aloe contains calcium, sodium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, iron, lecithin and zinc.

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    Julia Chen

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